TTD / Free Shopify Theme Detector

Uncover your competitor’s
Shopify theme now

  1. Simply entering their Shopify URL
  2. We will take care of the rest
  3. Get the Shopify theme name
shopify demo store and source code


If you're running a Shopify store and want to unravel the design secrets behind your competitors' success, you're in the right place.

What Can You Do with the Results?

Our Shopify Theme Detector tool provides you with invaluable insights into your competitors' design choices. Here's what you can do with the results:

  • Identify Competitor Themes

    Instantly discover which Shopify themes your competitors are using. This knowledge can be a goldmine of inspiration for your own store's design.
  • Draw Design Inspiration

    Analyze the themes your competitors are using to gain inspiration for your own website's look and feel. Discover what's working for them and adapt it for your brand.
  • Uncover Hidden Features

    Some themes have hidden features or customizations that you may not be aware of. Our tool can help you uncover these gems, enabling you to enhance your website.
  • Check App and Plugin Compatibility

    Ensure that your installed apps and plugins are compatible with the themes your competitors are using. Our tool can highlight potential issues and suggest solutions.

How to Find the Theme Manually?

While our tool makes theme detection easy, some users might want to explore the manual approach for finding competitor themes. Here's how you can do it:

  • Inspect Element

    Right-click on your competitor's webpage and select 'Inspect' (or press Ctrl+Shift+I). Navigate to the 'sources' or 'Elements' tab to find the URL of their theme's stylesheet.
  • Check Shopify's Theme Store

    If your competitor's theme is from the official Shopify Theme Store, visit the store to identify a match and gather inspiration.
Disclaimer: We are not affiliated with Shopify, and Shopify is a trademark of its respective owner.